
Run Multiple Python mod_wsgi Websites With Apache On Windows

Yes, this sounds completely crazy, but there is a semi-valid need to do this, unfortunately. However, when you need to run multiple Python websites on Apache on Windows via mod_wsgi, it quickly becomes apparent that using the typical <VirtualHost> configuration options do not work as expected. When you try to do it with a <VirtualHost> configuration, you will be unable to setup a separate WSGIPythonPath configuration setting per virtual host, as that configuration directive is not allowed within a <VirtualHost> node.

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jQuery.hover Issues in Internet Explorer on Windows 7

When creating a new mega-dropdown menu for a site I was working on, I used jQuery’s .hover event to trigger which content the menu was displayed. This seemed to work as expected in most browsers that I tested in, except for one, Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, it wasn’t even in every instance of Internet Explorer. Windows 7 After Windows Vista came out as one of the biggest duds that the world has ever seen, Windows 7 was a ringing success.

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