
How To Series: Standard Work Week

How many hours should employees expect to work per week? According to Jason Fried of Basecamp, 40 hours per week is more than enough . There are countless studies that have found that employees working more than 40 hours per week on a sustained basis see their productivity dwindle. I would expect that it is also a leading cause of burnout of employees. Who wants a workforce of overworked, burnt out, and tired employees that keep seeing their performance dwindle over time?

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New How To Series

Welcome to the newest series on The Geek Speaks, How To. The focus of this series will be to highlight some of the best practices for how to run development teams. It is from a developer’s perspective that has spent time working extensively in support, product management, and team leadership, and will cover some of the things that I have seen companies do well. In addition, I will also highlight some of the things that you can do to counteract those things you shouldn’t be doing, as seen in the How Not To series.

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