Welcome to The Geek Speaks

  • One minute - Mar 24, 2014

Way back in August, 2012, Scott Hanselman had a great post about how our keystrokes are wasted by blogging/writing for another company or any locations where you don’t control your own content.

All that time ago, that post inspired me to put more effort into writing on this blog, however, life got in the way, and I never really was able to get started blogging. Not to mention, that I really don’t like using WordPress for hosting my blog, as it seems to be quite the target hackers looking to hack into systems.

After trying for a while to get a blog up and running on Dreamhost using Django and Zinnia , I decided I wanted a platform that was a bit easier to setup and maintain, so, I jumped to Ghost and NodeJS . I can say that it has been a rewarding experience getting this blog up and running, and, while I am not longer using shared hosting, I relish the opportunity to dive back into Node and Handlebars to update this blah theme to be something more my style sometime soon.

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